Design & Engineering Standards - Transportation
Healthy Transportation
Design & Engineering Standards
Sidewalks & Buildings
First/Last Mile Access
- Maximize existing roadway width – Optimize the number of travel lanes, limit the width of travel lanes and crossing distances (with bulb-outs for example) to slow vehicular traffic speeds that pose a safety concern for people walking and biking. Include design standards and policies to ensure safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages, gender and abilities.
- Develop a curbside and parking management strategy
- Maximize person throughput over vehicle delay – consider strategies to increase public transit use and access
- Human safety as the main priority – increase safe walking and bicycle infrastructure
Sidewalks & Buildings
- Develop street typology with building and sidewalk design requirements based on location within the neighborhood context, adjacent land use, building height, street width, overall proportion of the space, etc.
- Use form or design-based codes/guidelines to support walking: width, planters, tree pits, curb cuts, lighting, pavement material, service access, sidewalk furniture, landscaping, waste receptacles, public art, bus stops, kiosks, and signs.
- Include building design guidelines such as balconies, awning, heights, setbacks, off-street parking, signage, outdoor uses, lighting, etc.
- Maximize transparency of front facades, building entrances, and windows oriented towards the sidewalks to entice pedestrians.
- Use different materials, window patterns, cornice lines, and other architectural articulations on the lower portion of the building to contain a sufficient level of detail, articulation, and variety. Build sidewalks which accommodate various activities to occur in community at different speeds (walking, talking, chatting, eating, resting, etc.)
- Specify requirements to limit the number of curb-cuts in a sidewalk.
- Develop neighborhood commercial areas that include pedestrian-oriented design, such as small or mid-sized storefronts with street facing windows, bike parking, and pedestrian-scale lighting.
- Widen substandard sidewalks.
First/Last Mile Access
- Require businesses and new developments, parking garages, and public events to include bicycle parking or bike corrals.
- Secure long and short-term bicycle parking (both at the station and within the catchment area).
- Require bicycle infrastructure improvements within 3 miles of a transit stop.
- Require bicycle parking near transit stops, schools, parks and open space, and other key services and frequently visited places.
- Secure bicycle parking in new affordable housing developments.
- Require bike facilities and bicycling design elements that are safe and protected, i.e. bike boulevards, separate bike lanes, bicycle parking, bicycle traffic lights, bike boxes, etc.
- Require infrastructure elements that separate bicyclists from vehicular traffic with well-marked and buffered routes.
- Engage communities to ensure that improvements are designed to benefit them and meet their needs and are not seen as signs of gentrification.