- Provide policymakers with the data and information they need
to understand the housing needs of their constituents.
- Identify and utilize public land for the affordable housing
- Implement policies that facilitate production of housing at
the income levels based on the housing needs analysis – this
could include city planning policies such as affordable housing
overlays, density bonuses for affordable housing production,
inclusionary zoning – just to name a few.
- Implement a comprehensive package of efforts that support
protection of existing residents, preservation of existing homes,
production of new housing at all income levels, placement of
homes near transit and amenities, and participation of residents
in decisions that affect housing.
Other Stakeholders
- Support the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors,
Housing Department, and city stakeholders in the launch of
the Afordable Housing Task Force as an opportunity to
advance county-wide solutions.
- Increase awareness of the connection between health and
housing and provide a framework for a comprehensive solution
to the housing crisis.
- Develop an inventory of housing stability and health best
practices and policies to build on the work of local housing
policy makers including 21 Elements.
- Work with policymakers, community leaders, and within city
planning processes to implement a comprehensive housing toolbox
that supports investment without displacement.
- Track local funds allocated for affordable housing from
local, regional, and state funding sources to see how best
practices can be implemented.
- Work at a regional level to make sure displacement is being
adequately addressed by regional decision makers.
- Learn about local housing needs and challenges. Attend City
Council, Planning Commission, and Housing Commission meetings
related to housing stability and affordable housing in your
community and voice your needs and aspirations.