Healthy Economy Publications
The Power of Pathways: Building an Inclusive Health Workforce with EMS Corps
Access to a quality job and financial security play a significant role in living a long and healthy life.i However, San Mateo County’s booming economy leaves many residents out of financial well-being. The majority of San Mateo County’s Latina and African American households do not have enough income to meet their basic needsii and unemployment rates for Latina, African American, and Pacific Islander residents are higher than the County average.iii Read the full EMS Corps Case Study
San Mateo County Low-Wage Worker Profile
A key priority of Get Healthy San Mateo County (GHSMC) is a Healthy Economy. A strong local economy builds household financial security for all and promotes everyone’s health. An important aspect of financial security is wages—how much money a person or a family makes at their job(s). For most people, but particularly for low-income people, wages are the only source of income to rely for daily and monthly expenses with a limited cushion of savings and additional wealth to draw from. This makes even small changes in wages critical to a family’s financial security.
Protecting small, locally owned businesses
Case Study: San Mateo’s North B Street Improvement Initiative
Small, locally-owned businesses—such as those on North B Street in the City of San Mateo—can be important contributors to a neighborhood’s wellbeing. In addition to offering essential goods and services, these businesses provide employment for local residents, an essential aspect of community health.1 ,2,3,4,5,6