Walking Matters! A Day with Mark Fenton on Leading a Walk Audit
Health Policy and Planning and the San Mateo County Office of Education co-hosted a safe walking and biking event with public health and active transportation specialist Mark Fenton to San Mateo County! This event brought together city and county staff from throughout San Mateo County, as well as school principals, teachers, parents, and safe walking and bicycling advocates. Highlights from this event included learning about ideas for improving street and intersection design, and actually conducting a walk audit! A walk audit is an assessment of an area for their pedestrian accessibility and considers users of all ages and abilities, and can be used to identify needed infrastructure improvements. While most commonly done for school safety, they can be used in any community setting. Please contact Heather Arata (harata@smcgov.org) if you would like more information on leading a walk audit for your school or community.