A Step Forward to Provide Safe Housing and Prevent Homelessness
The Board of Supervisors permanently adopted the Relocation Assistance Ordinance that will require landlords to pay tenants when the property is declared substandard. The relocation payments aim to cover moving costs and estimated costs to secure new housing. The ordinance also provides tenants with the right to return to the property after code violations are addressed and includes an anti-retaliation clause that will provide stronger protections for tenants who chose to exercise these rights. The County ordinance is serving as a model practice for other jurisdictions to follow. One San Mateo, an organized group of residents of the City of San Mateo, recently sent a letter to the City Council of San Mateo requesting to include a relocation benefit ordinance in their 2018 priorities. This month the council included the study of a relocation ordinance that mirrors the County’s ordinance in their finalized its 2018 priorities.