South San Francisco and North Fair Oaks Planning Winding Down
December marked the end of the community planning and engagement
phase for North Fair Oaks-Redwood City (NFO-RWC) and South San
Francisco. Neighborhood leadership groups in both communities met
for a final time to elevate top priority strategies. Initiative
staff will circle back to neighborhood leadership group members
who have been engaged throughout the process to finalize priority
strategies for the plan, so top strategies are not yet finalized.
In NFO-RWC, community members were enthusiastic about
school-based strategies to improve family health and professional
development for school staff in trauma-informed practices. In
South San Francisco there was momentum around creating more low-
and middle-income pre-school spaces and providing more mental
health and behavioral supports in schools. We look forward to
finalizing the community plans over the next month!
We thank the participants in these two communities for sharing
aspirations for their community and their engagement throughout
the process. As we work towards implementation we invite
continued participation. The work has just begun!