San Mateo County School Wellness Alliance meeting- Adolescent Brain Development
On May 10th over 40 people came together for the spring meeting of San Mateo County School Wellness Alliance. The meeting focused on learning more about the science behind the adolescent mind. Educators and school staff heard from Dean Blumberg of Kaiser San Francisco about the changes that occur in the brain during adolescence and why some young people are more likely to engage in risky behavior. The meeting also included a presentation on the implementation of Restorative Practices in San Mateo-Foster City School Districts (SMFCSD) middle schools. Wini McMichael and Lynne Moodie from SMFCSD discussed how they planned and implemented a comprehensive Restorative Practice program in four middle schools in their district. The final presentation was given by Aiko Michot, a science teacher from San Mateo Union High School District, who has implemented mindfulness in her classroom. Participants at this meeting came away with a better understanding of adolescent brain development and specific tools to better support the young people they work with.