Safer, Healthier Intersections on El Camino Real Coming Soon!
The Grand Boulevard Initiative was awarded a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Grant to create vision plans for a section of El Camino Real in both Redwood City and Palo Alto. The grant will fund a project titled, the Grand Boulevard Initiative: Creating Safe and Healthy Corridor Communities, and is a collaboration between Redwood City Planning, Palo Alto City Planning, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG), San Mateo County Health, Santa Clara County Health, Caltrans, SamTrans, and the project consultant, Fehr & Peers. The two-year project will cover existing conditions analysis, significant public engagement, and creating a vision plan for sections of El Camino Real. Three public meetings will be held in early 2018 to hear public comments and feedback on the project.