Health Equity Now! Conference: How Place, Race, & Health Connect in SMC!
On April 22, Health Planning and Policy co-hosted a conference on social determinants of health with over 100 people in attendance! The focus of the conference was on health equity, and specifically racial health equity in San Mateo County. This event featured workshops on the connection between transportation, education, jobs, civic engagement, criminal justice and health. Presenters came from both government and nonprofits, and attendees were from government, nonprofits, and the community. The goal of the conference was to introduce people to the concepts of social determinants of health and racial health equity, but also to hold discussions on what we as employees and residents in San Mateo County can do to tackle racial health inequities. One of the highlights of the conference included Melissa Jones’ keynote address at the beginning of the conference. Melissa, the executive director of the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII), spoke on the importance of being able to identify the environment in which we all work, live, and play to identify barriers to building healthy, equitable places.