Get Healthy SMC Participates in Local Workforce Recovery Effort
NOVAworks, the local workforce development agency, has convened two working sessions of a newly formed Community Resource Group comprised of local labor, business, public organizations, and educational agencies to address the major economic disruptions caused by COVID-19 where over 22,000 workers lost their jobs in the county due to business closures beginning in March 2020. County partners, including GHSMC, met to share ideas and best practices that aim to strengthen local workforce system coordination and invest in equitable training and job placement solutions for workers and employers who have been hit the hardest. NOVAworks will present at a future Board of Supervisors Council Meeting to share recommended workforce interventions. Please check out NOVAworks’ County of San Mateo Strategic Plan for Workforce Recovery issued in March 2021 for detailed information on countywide employment and business impacts and their recommendations for recovery. Stay tuned for more info!