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Community Turns out to Audit the Streets for Safety!


Health Planning and Policy and County Office of Education hosted Mark Fenton to lead three walk audits at elementary schools in San Mateo County. These three schools were Bayshore Elementary and Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Daly City, and Los Cerritos Elementary in South San Francisco. These schools were selected because they were three of the six listed in the report, Creating Safer Streets Near Schools, that had the highest counts of bike and pedestrian collisions. The goal of the walk audits was to bring together city staff from transportation and public works, along with school officials, teachers, parents, public health, law enforcement, and other community representatives to walk the school’s perimeter identifying barriers for safe walking and biking. Supervisors Canepa and Pine were also in attendance to welcome participants. These cities now have an actionable list of projects to prioritize that can create safer streets for everyone in these communities. Looking forward to seeing safer streets for our kids!