CCCS Update on Implementation Grant Funding Awarded in 2020
Through a Google Impact grant awarded in 2020, CCCS partners and Silicon Valley Community Foundation have been able to increase mental health and family support services for families and students. Jefferson Elementary School district increased these services in their preschool programs and for early elementary families, which has been especially needed as children transition back to full-time in-person instruction. The Peninsula Family Services also received funding to provide mental health services for parents enrolled in the Leo J Ryan Club who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, or other hardship impacting the family’s social-emotional well-being. Early outcomes show that attendance for the children of these families has increased and children have demonstrated an increase in self-confidence. Lastly, this funding has supported the county’s Reading Corps preschool early literacy intervention program which has allowed other funding to be allocated to a family navigator/support specialist to work with all programs in the fall at SMCOE. We appreciate all the hard work CCCS partners are spearheading to support our most vulnerable children and families!