Boards & Commissions Vacancies
San Mateo County:
- San Mateo County’s Youth Commission: Youth ages 13-20 are encouraged to apply for a seat on the County’s Youth Commission, which addresses issues affecting youth in San Mateo County. The application deadline is May 4 at 5 p.m. Youth voices in our county’s decision making is a critical pathway to ensuring the decisions of today reflect the needs and aspirations of the future.
- North Fair Oaks Community Council: North Fair Oaks business owners or residents are encouraged to apply for a seat on the North Fair Oaks Community Council. There is one alternate youth seat vacant. Residents ages 16-18 years of age are encouraged to apply. Applications are due on May 5 before 5 p.m.
East Palo Alto’s Public Works and Transportation Committee has an alternate seat vacancy. To apply, contact Maria Buell, Deputy City Clerk at (650) 853-3127. The seat is vacant until filled.
Redwood City’s Complete Streets Advisory Committee: The committee has one vacancy. Learn more here. The seat is vacant until filled.