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Belonging is Vital to Our Wellbeing


To achieve healthy, equitable communities we must find ways to come together across differences, to build community, and collectively engage to advance the vision of Get Healthy San Mateo County–where everyone can reach their full potential. People with social support, social networks and a sense of belonging are healthier. In contrast, isolation as a physical and mental state is detrimental to living a vibrant and long life. A national conference held in Oakland this month, organized by the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley, focused on the deep work of bridging across difference to create belonging for everyone.  Check out the conference website for more information.

“Breaking is a politics based on an “us vs. them” strategy…Bridging, on the other hand, affirms our inherent connection to each other and our planet, welcomes our differences…and calls on us to co-create a responsive government and civic life that advances our common good…”