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Boards and Commissions Vacancies

  • City of East Palo Alto: There are two seats on the Public Works & Transportation Commission with a term from May 31, 2024 through May 31, 2027. This committee is charged with advising the City Council on adequacy and improvement of city public and private transportation, including transportation systems and facilities; motor and non-motorized transit; overall transportation system efficiency; coordination with regional transportation systems; and serving as an appeals board for staff recommendations on roadway changes. Open until filled. Apply now
  • Menlo Park: There is one vacancy each on the Environmental Quality Commission and Library Commission.
    • The Environmental Quality Commission is charged primarily with advising the City Council on matters involving climate change, environmental protection, and sustainability.
    • The Library Commission is charged with advising the City Council on matters related to the maintenance and operation of the City’s libraries and library systems.

Apply here for these vacancies today!

  • Redwood City: There are openings in the Parks Commission, Library Board, Housing & Human Concerns Committee, and Transportation Advisory Board.

    • The Parks Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council in policy matters pertaining to the acquisition and development of parks and the formulation of a recreation program to meet the needs of the citizens; actively promotes recreation and park activities within the City; reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council on the City Manager’s annual proposed budget for recreation and parks from a pure policy standpoint, pertaining only to programs, levels of service, and capital improvements.
    • The Library Commission ensures that literacy remains a core value and a long-term guiding principle; helps create, approve and review the strategic plan; acts as a community liaison and Library advocate; seeks collaborative opportunities to cultivate partnerships, raise funds and recruit volunteers; and reviews the Library Director’s proposed budget prior to submission to the City Manager and City Council.
    • The Housing and Human Concerns Committee supports implementation of the housing element and other related City policies; reviews proposals and recommend disbursement of private and public funds; monitors changing social needs and encourages human service activities to improve the quality of life in the community; promotes the coordination of human service activities; sand advise the City Council on budgetary matters relating to housing and human concerns.
    • The Transportation Advisory Board provides general input and assistance to staff regarding transportation projects, programs and policies; serves as a resource to improve safety for people walking and riding bicycles throughout the city; and assists staff in identifying and prioritizing grant projects and information for grant applications.

Learn more and apply by March 30!

  • San Mateo County: The County currently has 5 vacancies for the Behavioral Health Commission. The Commission reviews and evaluates the County’s mental health needs, services, facilities and special programs, agreements dealing with mental health; advises the Board of Supervisors and the Mental Health Director of any aspect of the local mental health program; reviews and approves procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning process; and submits an annual report to the Board of Supervisors on the needs and performance of the County’s mental health system. Learn more and apply!